Western NY Birds by Color (+ Free Download)

If you’re headed out as a beginner birder and want to quickly identify birds by their color, this guide should help!

At the end, you’ll find a link to a downloadable PDF that you can print or save to your phone for the next time you go birding.



Look for bright spots of red on the chest, head, and beak. Most often, the males carry the more striking of red colors.


The Baltimore Orioles are the most striking of the orange bunch, but look for those puffy orange chests and you’ll spot even more in the orange category.


Brown is a very common color among Western NY Birds, especially the females. Consider bringing binoculars or a telephoto lens with you so you can zoom in and spot the differences!


Some of these cute yellow birds are very small and very quick, so it’s a good thing they’re bright. Look for tiny little accents of yellow and you’ll spot the White-throated Sparrows and Cedar Waxwings.

Grey, White and Black

The Grey Catbird (sounds just like a cat meow-ing) and the Black-capped Chickadee are very common at local parks and along trails. Listen for little *tap, tap tap’s* and you’ll spot the Downy Woodpeckers!

Blue and Green

Next to the yellow birds, these are perhaps some of the most thrilling to spot. Bluejays sound like honking taxi cabs, and you can spot the beautiful Great Blue Heron and Mallard Ducks if you’re near water.


Free Download


I hope this helps you spot birds of many varying colors!

Have fun, and happy birding!

All images © birdyyy.


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