Attract hummingbirds to your yard with easy homemade nectar

Ruby-throated hummingbirds land on backyard feeder and drink nectar.

Sitting on our deck and watching the hummingbirds come to the feeder has easily become one of my new favorite hobbies. Once the hummingbirds know you’re a solid stop, they’ll be regular customers! And the good news is, setting up a feeder with homemade nectar is really easy.

Hummingbird at red glass feeder with green nature backdrop

A female ruby-throated hummingbird stopping by our backyard hummingbird feeder in Western New York


Homemade hummingbird nectar instructions:

What you’ll need:

Hummingbird nectar recipe:

  • 1C White granulated sugar (1 part sugar)

  • 4C Water (4 parts water)

  • Directions: Combine sugar and water in a pot, cover, and boil. Remove from heat and let cool. Fill your feeder and put the rest in a glass container in the fridge for up to a week.


Watch right from your window or outdoor seating area


Quick tips:

Hummingbird at red glass feeder with green nature backdrop

A female ruby-throated hummingbird stopping by our backyard hummingbird feeder in Western New York

  • In western NY, you can put your feeder up as early as May in time for spring migration, and leave it up through October until the hummingbirds head back down south!

  • Rinse and clean the feeder and replace nectar every 2-3 days to prevent it from spoiling or growing mold.

  • Set your feeder up in a spot that you can see from a window or outdoor seating area so you can enjoy your new visitors.

  • Avoid setting your feeder up too close to a window, so the hummingbirds don’t accidentally fly into the glass.

Happy birding!

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